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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School


Our school governors are all people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. We are responsible for overseeing the strategic direction and management of the school.

We do not get involved in the day to day running of the school or its management.  Our role is entirely strategic.

We keep our school vision statement at the heart of all that we do, including agreeing the school’s policies and our School Improvement Plan.

Governors work together to carry out their core functions:

1. Ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff.

3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

4. Ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard.

We ask challenging questions of the Head Teacher about pupil progress and achievement, teaching and learning, safeguarding, behaviour and health and safety.

We are also tasked with upholding the Catholic Ethos of the school, maintaining and developing the faith life of the children.

Our school governors are: 

Janet Nelms  Chair of LGC

Carmel Zammit Co-Vice Chair LGC

Claire Finn Co Vice Chair 

Clare Cribben Headteacher

Grace Bonse Foundation Governor

Suzanne Simmons Staff Governor

Elias Sahyoun Foundation Governor

Garry Cullen Foundation Governor

John Denby Safeguarding Link Governor

Maria Elena Zuccon Parent Governor

Nalini  Owusu-Adjei - Parent Governor

To contact our Chair of Governors please email 
Janet Nelms c/o: admin@st-josephs.bromley.sch.uk

c/o:  St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Plaistow Lane, Bromley, BR1 3JQ

The LGC is made up of 12 governors, including a Chair and a Vice Chair. 

The governors are a mixture of parents, community (co-opted), staff and parish (Foundation) representatives.  

The LGC follows a flat/ circle structure model (ie there are no sub-communities unless required) to enable all governors to have a complete overview of the school.  Each Governor has a specific link role responsibility, and they are charged with monitoring their responsibility throughout the academic year, by undertaking governor visits and learning walks of the school and talking to the school community.  Governors then report back to the LGC via their meetings and the completion of a governor visit form.

Governors are expected to attend training to enhance their effectiveness.  

There are seven LGC meetings a year.   All meetings cover curriculum, resources, school improvement, finance, and premises but each meeting will have a particular focus dependent on where in the cycle of the academic year the meeting is taking place.  This will ensure that the information the school is reporting to the LGC is current and most up to date. Examples of these foci are pupil assessment, wellbeing, pay reviews, budget monitoring, SEND and pupil premium.

St Joseph's is part of the South East London Catholic Academy Trust (SELCAT).
Please click here for details of their Governance and here for details of the SELCAT Executive Leadership Team.

 Declarations of Business Interests 2023/24

Governors terms of office 2022-2023 Governor Attendance 2022-2023 

Governor Attendance2023-2024.pdf 

Governors_terms_of_office September 2024-2025