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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

British Values

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is a one form entry school which is part of the Parish of St Joseph’s.

We provide an education that focuses on the formation of the whole person and on our vocation and purpose in life.

We are guided by our mission statement of ‘we learn and grow through the love of Jesus’ and by the Christian values of vocation, service, respect, care, co-operation and the common good as we reflect  on our place and purpose in the world. At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary school we actively promote the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) of our pupils.   We promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These fundamental British values underpin our school’s culture and support our ethos of developing a well-rounded individual. British values are promoted in so much of what we do especially through the curriculum, the learning environment, assemblies, playtimes and interactions between people as part of the daily life of the school.


Below are some of the ways that we promote British values at St Joseph’s.